Physical Books to Purchase

Building Prayer Altars


This is my latest booklet which is being circulated for revival in Singapore. I am teaching as many people, groups and churches as want to hear and experience this movement of God. Do contact me if you want me to share with your group or register for a forthcoming training at who are organizing my sessions.

This is not available for purchasing online yet but can be ordered through my Church - COSBT - Click HERE to visit their website.


View sample HERE.

Picture Perfect Book


This is my book on seeing God's big Vision for the world and hearing your specific calling within that. It is a clear, Biblical and practical teaching with my own personal anecdotes throughout to illustrate the truths taught.

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.Paperback

  Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.   eBook

Rev. Tim's Toons

My original cartoon and poems with a unique poem to go with each original cartoon.

Buy the epub ebook

  Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.


Free Ebook Downloads (more HERE).


The foundation of building a strong and effective Prayer Altar is soaking in the Word of God. I have developed a 120 Day (four months) reading of the Bible Chronologically. This is reading about ten chapters of the Bible daily. Click on the booklet cover to the left  or HERE to view and download it. I have also developed small group discussion questions for weekly meetings in the context of a group reading through this plan together but it can be used individually too.

Click on the book title or HERE to view and download my book "Warriors of the Ssorc", a Christian fiction novel based on my online adventure game The Sojourner.

Click here to view my online flash booklet  about The Fear and Favour of God. Click HERE for the epub ebook version (for mobile devices) or HERE for the pdf ebook version.